General Troubleshooting

General Trouble Shooting first steps

If you are experiencing problems with the operation of this software please check the following things first.

MDAC 2.6 or later

Check the ADO version installed on your PC. Install MDAC 2.6 or greater from Microsoft«. The URL for downloading MDAC 2.6 version is as follows:

SQL Server Client Utilities (SQLDMO component) installed

Also - ensure you have installed the Microsoft Client Utilities for Microsoft« SQL Server 7 or 2000 to ensure that you have the necessary SQLDMO library files (SQLDMO.DLL)

Check for most recent version of this software

Next insure that you have the most recent version of the product.  Please check for latest version.  Your issue may have already been resolved.

Check support forum to see if issue has already been reported

The LockwoodTech support forum can be found at  Your question may have already been posted and answered.  This forum includes a search facility.  You can also post your own question/comment/request etc and get a prompt response.

Latest SQL Server Service Pack

Some errors are caused by SQL Server itself and can be resolved by installing the latest service pack.  Please make sure you have the latest service pack for MS SQL Server

General Info on getting latest service pack:;EN-US;290211

MS SQL Server 2000

MS SQL Server 7

See the trouble shooting section in this help file

Click here for Troubleshooting info

If issue is still not resolved

If you continue to experience problems please post the issue on the ApexSQL support forum and you should get a specific response within 24 hours (M-F).

You can also send an email to


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